- DOI:
- Issue:
- Abstract:
For the first time, an article “Charles Baudelaire” (1930) by A.A. Smirnov-Alving (1885–1942) and his late translations of thirteen poems from “The Flowers of Evil” are published. Early translations of the same poems from an almost inaccessible publication (1908) are also presented.
- Keywords: Charles Baudelaire, Arseny Alving, 19th century French poetry in Russian translations.
- For citation:
Nekhotin Vladimir, Rezvy Vladislav. Arseny Alving’s late translationsNekhotin Vladimir, Rezvy Vladislav. Arseny Alving’s late translationsfrom Charles Baudelaire. Literary fact, 2018, no. 10, pp. 8–37.
- References:
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Baudelaire Ch. Tsvety zla, po avtorskomu proektu 3-go izd. [The flowers of evil, based on the author’s project of the 3d ed.], ed. by. N.I. Balashov, I.S. Postupal'skii. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1970. 480 p. (In Russ.)
Bogomolov N.A. Vokrug “serebrianogo veka”: Stat'i i materialy [Around the “Silver Age”: Articles and materials]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2010. 720 p. (In Russ.)
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Timasheva O.V. Repliki i kommentarii k modeli “russkogo Bodlera” [Notes and comments on the model of the “Russian Baudelaire”]. Solov'evskie issledovaniia [Solovyov studies], 2016, iss. 1 (49), pp. 137–155. (In Russ.)