- DOI:
- УДК / UDK: 821.161.1.0
- Issue:
- Abstract:
This publication is the second and third parts of the bibliography of the famous poet, playwright, critic, translator Nikolai Minsky (1855/1856–1937). The second part reflects individual poetry collections, religious and philosophical works and collections of articles by Minsky, as well as his plays, letters, memoirs and translations. In a separate section, it was decided to allocate essays and reports published in the newspaper “Utro Rossii” for 1909–1917 and published under the headings “Letters from Paris” and “Paris (French) Diary”. This part of the bibliography is annotated. The abstracts contain a complete list of lifetime reviews and critical responses, and, if necessary, briefly disclose the content of the publications. The third part contains a bibliography of scientific critical literature about Minsky, as well as information about the publication of the memoirs, diaries and letters of contemporaries, which, in the compiler’s opinion, contain valuable information about Minsky’s life and work. A separate section of the bibliography presents reference books containing biographical articles on Minsky’s life and work. The third part also includes editions of theses about Minsky, defended mainly in 1990–2020.
- Keywords: annotated bibliography of N.M. Minsky’s work; collections of poems, religious and philosophical essays, journalism, dramatic texts, translations and individual articles; bibliography of scientific-critical, memoir literature and theses about Minsky; “Letters from Paris”; “Parisian (French) Diary”.
- For citation:
Sapozhkov, S.V. “Bibliography of N.M. Minsky’s Works. Parts 2–3.” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 2 (20), 2021, pp. 333–384. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.22455/2541-8297-2021-20-333-384
- References:
1. Alekseev, A.D. Literatura russkogo zarubezh'ia. Knigi 1917–1940. Materialy k bibliografii [Literature of the Russian Diaspora. Books 1917–1940. Materials for the Bibliography], ex. ed. K.D. Muratova. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., 1993. 201 p. (In Russ.)
2. Istoriia russkoi literatury kontsa XIX — nachala XX veka: bibliograficheskii ukazatel' [ History of Russian Literature of the Late 19th — Early 20th Century: Bibliographic Index], ed. by K.D. Muratova. Moscow, Leningrad. Izdatel’stvo AN SSSR Publ., 1963. 519 p. (In Russ.)
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4. “Literaturnaia kritika i istoriia literatury v zhurnale ‘Russkoe bogatstvo’ (1895–1918)” [“Literary Criticism and History of Literature in the Journal ‘Russkoe Bogatstvo’ (1895–1918)”], comp. by M.D. Elzon. Literaturnoe nasledstvo. T. 87: Iz istorii russkoi literatury i obshchestvennoi mysli 1860–1890 gg. [Literary Heritage. Vol. 87: From the History of Russian Literature and Social Thought in 1860–1890]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1977, pp. 656–691. (In Russ.)
5. Masanov, I.F. Slovar' psevdonimov: v 4 t. [ Dictionary of Pseudonyms: in 4 vols.]. Moscow, Izdatel’stvo Vsesoiuznoi knizhnoi palaty Publ., 1956–1960.
6. Fomin, A.G. “Bibliografiia noveishei russkoi literatury. N. Minskii (N.M. Vilenkin)” [“Bibliography of the Latest Russian Literature. N. Minsky (N.M. Vilenkin)”]. Russkaia literatura XX veka. 1890–1910: v 2 kn. [ Russian Literature of the 20th Century. 1890–1910: in 2 books], ed. by prof. S.A. Vengerov. Moscow, Izdatel'skii dom “XXI vek — Soglasie” Publ., 2000. Book 2, pp. 422–428. (In Russ.)
7. Khristianstvo i novaia russkaia literatura XVIII–XX vv.: bibliograficheskii ukazatel'. 1800–2000 [ Christianity and New Russian Literature of the 18th–20th Centuries: Bibliographic Index. 1800–2000], comp. by A.P. Dmitriev, L.V. Dmitrieva, ed. by V.A. Kotel'nikov. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., 2002. 891 p. (In Russ.)