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2021 №20

Author: Andrey I. Serkov
About the author:

Andrey I. Serkov, PhD in History, Leading Research Fellow, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 а, 121069 Moscow, Russia.


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For the history of the Moscow Symbolist publishing house “Musaget”, which in the early years of its existence was a circle of like-minded people who sought occult knowledge, in many respects the key years were 1913–1914. The fascination with anthroposophy of some of the employees of Musaget caused rejection on the part of the founder of the publishing house, E.K. Metner, who defended the principle of serving culture, and not one of the spiritual teachings. The diary of N.P. Kiselev, who took up the post of secretary in the publishing house during the separation, reflects not only the daily life of the editorial office, but also attempts to reunite different directions of “Musaget”.

Keywords: N.P. Kiselev, publishing house “Musaget”, E.K. Metner, Ellis, archival documents Russian literature of the XX century.
For citation:

Serkov, A.I. “Diary Entries by N.P. Kiselev as the Secretary of the Publishing House ‘Musaget’ ”. Literaturnyi fakt, no. 2 (20), 2021, pp. 82–114. (In Russ.) 


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