
УДК / UDK: 821.161.1

2019 №12

About the author:

Oleg Proskurin, PhD, Visiting Whitney J. Oates Fellow, Princeton University. Princeton, NJ, USA. E-mail: proskurin.oleg@gmail. com


The article proves that the text, published in the literary almanac “Northern Flowers for 1826” under the title “An excerpt from A. Pushkin’s letter to D[elvig]”, was, in fact, created as a letter to Pushkin’s brother Leo (Lev Sergeevich). The article revises the date and pragmatics of this work, its connection with the literary and biographical context. The article contains a detailed critical analysis of the interpretations of the topic introduced by leading Pushkin scholars: Boris Modzalevsky, Mstislav Tsiavlovsky, Grigorii Vinokur, Vadim Vatsuro, Sergei Fomichev, and Yanina Levkovich. The conclusions of the author are based on a thorough study of the history of the text of the “letter”: its draft manuscript copy in the “Second Masonic notebook”, its fair copy, and all lifetime publications.

Keywords: Alexander Pushkin, Lev Pushkin, Anton Delvig, text criticism, dating, addressee problem, text history, narrative poem “The Fountain of Bakhchisarai”, Crimea.
For citation:

Proskurin Oleg. “An excerpt from the letter [to D.]” by A.S. Pushkin: addressee, function, dating. Literary fact, 2019, no. 2 (12), pp. 348–383.

DOI 10.22455/2541-8297-2019-12-348-383


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