
УДК / UDK: 821.161.1

2019 №12

About the author:

Roman Timenchik, Prof., Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The article presents two unpublished poems by Sergey Bobrov, which fit into the history of projection of the common European urban topos to a specific locus — the South Russian port. Among the poets who embarked on this task in the 1910s are Vladimir Mayakovsky, Nikolai Gumilev, Konstantin Bolshakov, David Burliuk, young Odessa poets Sophia Pregel and Elizaveta Furman-Styrskaya. Futuristic poetics minimized the connection with poetic descriptions of the city common for Pushkin's time (used by “traditionalists” of the 1910s, such as Modest Druzhinin) and neglected the centuries-old Odessa mythological allusions (inevitable Odysseus recalled by Gumilyov).

Keywords: poems related to Odessa in the early 20th century, Ivan Bunin, Olga Rozanova, Emile Verhaeren, vorticism, Sergey Bobrov, Futuristic poetry, archival publications.
For citation:

Timenchik Roman. Notes of a commentator. 9. Two unpublished futuristic poems about Odessa. Literary fact, 2019, no. 2 (12), pp. 332–347.

DOI 10.22455/2541-8297-2019-12-332-347


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