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- Abstract:
Publication of the full corpus of Zinaida Gippius’ surviving letters to Alexander Tiniakov (1903, 1915–1916) provides a rich material to determine the correspondent’s positions in the literary world during the First World War and before the Revolution of 1917. In 1915 the Merezhkovskys tried to get close to Tiniakov, who worked for many pre-revolutionary periodicals; they expected him to be a person with close views, a publicist they could collaborate with in various ways: they planned to ask him to review their works, to set him topics for discussions in order to propagate by means of polemics their views, to make him an ally in various projects and ventures connected with different periodicals. The attempt of rapprochement was not successful and very soon led to a complete rupture. The letters also provide an insight into the literary relationship not only between Gippius and Tiniakov, but also between other writers. Letters to Tiniakov are considered as a part of a bigger edition, a volume From the Epistolary Heritage of Zinaida Gippius of the series Literaturnoe Nasledstvo.
- Keywords: Zinaida Gippius, Alexander Tiniakov, writers’ letters, epistolary, Russian literature of the beginning of the 20th century
- References:
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