
2017 №6

Author: Vladimir Khazan
About the author:

Vladimir Khazan, Ph. D. Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

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The literary and epistolary heritage of the famous émigré poet Dovid Knout (David Mironovich Fixman, 1900–1955) has already become the subject of publications and research studies more than once. However, a relatively recent discovery in Israel, where Knout lived the last years of his life, where he died and is buried, a significant and still unknown part of his archive (unpublished poems, prose, articles, diary, letters, etc.) gives a new actuality to the study of his life and works. It may be said that partly unknown (or little-known) Knout opens up to specialists and a broad reader. For this publication several letters from the newly-discovered archive – written by Knout himself (to the first and second wives: Sara-Sophia Grabois and Ariadna Skriabin) and to him by different persons (G. Adamovich, D. Glikberg, R. Grinberg and others) – are selected.

Keywords: Dovid Knout, Georgy Adamovich, Roman Grinberg, Russian émigré, correspondence.

Adamovich G. Pamiati ushedshikh. R.N. Grinberg [In Memory of the Departed. R.N. Grinberg]. In: Russkaia mysl’ [Russian Thought], 1970, № 2774, 22 ianv, p. 11. (In Russ.)

Adamovich G. Pis’ma Romanu Grinbergu [Letters to Roman Grinberg], publ. Vadima i Very Kreid. In: Novyi zhurnal [The New Review], 2000, № 218, pp. 141–151. (In Russ.)

An Anthology of Jewish-Russian Literature: Two Centuries of Dual Identity in Prose and Poetry <In two vol.> / Ed., selected, and co-translated, with introductory essays by Maxim D. Shrayer. New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2007.

Basalaev I. Zapisi besed s Akhmatovoi (1961–1963) [Records of Conversations with Akhmatova], publ. E.M. Tsarenkovoi; primech. I. Kolosova i N. Krainevoi. In: Minuvshee: Istoricheskii al’manakh [The Past: Historical almanac]. 23. Saint Petersburg: Athenaeum-Feniks Publ., 1998, pp. 561–593. (In Russ.)

Bem A.L. Pis’ma o literature [Letters on Literature], sost. i avtory predisl. M. Bubenikova, L. Vakhalovska, otv. red. L. Beloshevskaia. Praha: Slovanský ůstav, Eurislavica, 1996. (In Russ.)

Berberova N.N. Kursiv moi: Avtobiografiia [The Italics are Mine: Autobiography], vstup. st. E.V. Vitkovskogo, komment. V.P. Kochetova, G.I. Moseshvili. Moscow, Soglasie Publ., 1996. (In Russ.)

Berdiaeva L.Iu. Professiia: zhena filosofa [Profession: Philosopher’s Wife], sost., predisl. i komment. E.V. Bronnikovoi. Moscow, Mol. gvardiia Publ., 2002. (In Russ.)

«Drebezzhanie moikh rzhavykh strun...»: Iz perepiski Vladimira i Very Nabokovykh i Romana Grinberga (1940–1967) [“The Rattling of My Rusty Strings…”: From Vladimir and Vera Nabokov’s Correspondence with Roman Grinberg (1940–1967)], publ., predisl. i komment. R. Iangirova. In: In memoriam: Istoricheskii sbornik pamiati A.I. Dobkina [In Memoriam: A historical collection in memory of A.I. Dobkin]. Saint Petersburg, Parizh, Feniks-Athenaeum Publ., 2000, pp. 345–397. (In Russ.)

Druz’ia, babochki i monstry: Iz perepiski Vladimira i Very Nabokovykh s Romanom Grinbergom (1943–1967) [Friends, Butterflies and Monsters: From Vladimir and Vera Nabokov’s Correspondence with Roman Grinberg (1943–1967)], vstup. st., publ. i komment. R. Iangirova. In: Diaspora: Novye materialy. I [Diaspora: New materials. I]. Parizh, Saint Petersburg, Athenaeum, Feniks Publ., 2001, pp. 477–556. (In Russ.)

Dymerskaia-Tsigel’man L. Al’manakh «Vozdushnye puti» i ego izdatel’-redaktor Roman Grinberg [The Almanac “Airways” and its Publisher-editor Roman Grinberg]. In: Evrei v kul’ture Russkogo Zarubezh’ia: Stat’i, publikatsii, memuary i esse. T. 5 [Jews in Russian Émigré Culture: Articles, publications, memoirs and essays. Vol. 5], sost. i izd. M. Parkhomovskii. Ierusalim, 1996, pp. 135–152. (In Russ.)

«Esli chudo voobshche vozmozhno za granitsei…»: Epokha 1950-kh gg. v perepiske russkikh literatorov-emigrantov [“If a Miracle Is Possible Abroad After All…”: The era of 1950s in the correspondence of Russian émigré men of letters], sost., predisl. i primech. O.A. Korosteleva. Moscow, Biblioteka-fond «Russkoe Zarubezh’e», Russkii put’ Publ., 2008. (In Russ.)

Fedorov F.P. Dovid Knut [Dovid Knout]. Moscow, MIK Publ, 2005. (In Russ.)

Geizer M. Spletenie mirov: Zametki o zhizni i tvorchestve Dovida Knuta [The Interweaving of the Wolds: Notes on Dovid Knout’s Life and Works]. In: Lekhaim (Moscow), 2003, № 4, pp. 40–43. URL: (In Russ.)

Ginger A.S. Stikhotvoritel’noe oderzhan’e: Stikhi, proza, stat’i, pis’ma: V 2 t. [Poetic Possession: Poems, prose, articles, letters. In 2 vol.], sost., podgot. teksta, vstup. st. i komment. V. Khazana. Moscow, Vodolei Publ., 2013. (In Russ.)

Gollerbakh S. N’iu-Iorkskii bloknot: Kniga vospominanii [The New York Notebook: A book of memoirs]. N’iu-Iork: The New Review Publishing, 2013. (In Russ.)

Gomolitskii L. Sochineniia russkogo perioda: V 3 t. [Works of the Russian Period. In 3 vol.], pod obshch. red. L. Fleishmana. Moscow, Vodolei Publ., 2011. (In Russ.)

Grinberg R. Vecher poezii Nabokova glazami sovremennika [Nabokov’s Poetry Evening Through Contemporary’s Eyes], vstup., publ. i komment. Iu. Levinga. In: Oktiabr’ [October]. 2007. № 7, pp. 185–190. (In Russ.)

Iangfel’dt B. Liubov’ eto serdtse vsego: V.V. Maiakovskii i L.Iu. Brik: Perepiska 1915–1930 [Love Is the Heart of Everything: V.V. Mayakovsky and L.Yu. Brik: Correspondence 1915–1930]. M.: Kniga Publ., 1991. (In Russ.)

Iangirov R. K istorii «vstrechi dvukh emigratsii». Dokument iz arkhiva R.N. Grinberga [To the History of the “meeting of two émigrés”: A docunment from R.N. Grinberg’s papers]. In: Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 2003, vol. 37, № 1/2, pp. 121–131. (In Russ.)

Iangirov R. «Primer tavtologii»: Zametki o voine Vladimira Nabokova s Georgiem Ivanovym [“An Example of Tautology”: Notes on Vladimir Nabokov’s War With Georgy Ivanov]. In: Diaspora: Novye materialy. VII [Diaspora: New materials. VII]. Parizh, Saint Petersburg, Athenaeum–Feniks Publ., 2005, pp. 596–618. (In Russ.)

Ianovskii V.S. Polia Eliseiskie: Kniga pamiati [ Champs-Élysées: A book of memory], predisl. N.G. Mel’nikova, komment. O.A. Korosteleva, N.G. Mel’nikova. Moscow, Astrel’ Publ., 2012. (In Russ.)

Iantsen V. Pis’ma russkikh myslitelei v bazel’skom arkhive Fritsa Liba [Letters of Russian philosophers in Fritz Lieb’s Basel collection]. In: Issledovaniia po istorii russkoi mysli: Ezhegodnik za 2001–2002 gody [Studies on the history of Russian thought: Annual for 2001–2002], pod red. M.A. Kolerova. Moscow, Tri kvadrata Publ., 2002, pp. 227–563. (In Russ.)

Ivanov G.V. Sobranie sochinenii: V 3 t. [Collected Works in 3 vol.]. Moscow, Soglasie Publ, 1994. T. 2: Proza [Vol. 2: Prose], sost., podgot. teksta E.V. Vitkovskogo, V.P. Kreida, komment. V.P. Kreida, G.I. Moseshvili. (In Russ.)

Khazan V. Dovid Knut, Aleksandr Ginger i drugie [Dovid Knout, Alexander Ginger and others]. In: Russkoe zarubezh’e i Vtoraia mirovaia voina: IV Kul’turologicheskie chteniia «Russkaia emigratsiia XX veka» (Moskva, 28–29 marta 2011 goda) [Russian Émigré and Second World War: The 4th culturological readings “Russian Émigré of the XX th Century” (Moscow, March 28–29, 2011)], sost. I.Iu. Beliakova. Moscow, Dom-muzei Mariny Tsvetaevoi Publ., 2013, pp. 333–336. (In Russ.)

Khazan V. Dovid Knut: Sud’ba i tvorchestvo [Dovid Knout: Life and Works]. Lyon: Centre d’Études Slaves André Lirondelle; Université Jean-Moulin, 2000. (In Russ.)

Khazan V. «Nekaia bukhgalteriia zhizni»: Dnevnik Dovida Knuta 1934–1937 [“A Sort of Life Accounting”: Dovid Knout’s Diary 1934–1937]. In: Novyi zhurnal [The New Review], 2014, № 274. (In Russ.)

Khazan V. Odisseia kapitana Boevskogo: Russkii moriak v Zemle obetovannoi [Captain Boevsky’s Odyssey: A Russian Sailor in the Promised Land]. Moscow, Dom evreiskoi knigi Publ., 2007. (In Russ.)

Khazan V. «Sem’ let»: istoriia izdaniia (Perepiska V.S. Varshavskogo s R.N. Grinbergom) [“Seven Years”: Publishing History (V.S. Varshavsky’s Correspondence with R.N. Grinberg]. In: Novyi zhurnal [The New Review], 2010, № 258, pp. 177–224. (In Russ.)

Khodasevich V. Kamer-fur’erskii zhurnal [The Chamber-Fourier Journal], vstup. st., podgot. teksta, ukaz. O.R. Demidovoi. Moscow, Ellis Lak Publ, 2002. (In Russ.)

Khodasevich V., Margolina-Khodasevich O. Unpublished Letters to Nina Berberova, ed. by R.D. Sylvester. Berkeley, 1979. (Modern Russian Literature and Culture, Studies and Texts, vol. 3). (In Russ.)

Knorring I. Posle vsego: Stikhi 1920–1942 gg. [After All: Poems 1920–1942], Predisl., sost., podgot. teksta k pechati i primech. A.L. Zhovtisa. Alma-Ata, Variant Publ., 1993. (In Russ.)

Knorring I.N. Povest’ iz sobstvennoi zhizni: V 2 t. [A Story From My Own Life. In 2 vol.], podgot. teksta N.N. Knorring, N.M. Chernovoi, komment., annot. ukaz. imen I.M. Nevzorovoi. Moscow, Agraf Publ., 2013. (In Russ.)

Knout E. La Ronde des mouches. Paris, J. Vigneau, 1947.

Knut D. Sobranie sochinenii: V 2 t. [Collected Works in 2 vol.], sost. i komment. V. Khazana, vstup. st. D. Segala. Jerusalem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1997–1998. (In Russ.)

Leving Iu. Nabokov, kotoryi riadom (Pis’ma k S.I. Rozovu: 1945–1976) [The Nabokov Nearby (Letters to S.I. Rozov. 1945–1976)]. In: Ierusalimskii zhurnal [The Jerusalem Review], 1999, № 2, pp. 142–160. (In Russ.)

Mandel’shtamovskie materialy v arkhive M. Talova [Mandelstam Materials in M. Talov’s Papers], publ. M. Talovoi pri uchastii A. Chulkovoi, predisl. i komment. L. Vidgofa. In: Voprosy literatury [Literary Issues], 2007, № 6, pp. 330–338. (In Russ.)

Marina Tsvetaeva – Boris Bessarabov: Khronika 1921 goda v dokumentakh. Dnevniki Ol’gi Bessarabovoi. 1916–1925 [Marina Tsvetaeva – Boris Bessarabov: 1921 chronicle according to documents. Olga Bessarabova’s diaries. 1916–1925], Vstup. st., podgot. teksta, sost. N.A. Gromovoi, komment. N.A. Gromovoi, G.P. Mel’nik, V.I. Kholkina. Moscow, Ellis Lak Publ., 2010. (In Russ.)

«My sluzhim ne partiiam, ne gosudarstvu, a cheloveku»: Iz istorii zhurnala «Opyty» i al’manakha «Vozdushnye puti» [“Our Service Is not for Parties, not for a State, but for a Person”: Excerpts on the history of “Experiments” and “Airways”], publ., vstup. st. i primech. V. Khazana. In: Toronto Slavic Quarterly, 2009, № 29. URL: hazan29.shtml. (In Russ.)

«My vstretimsia v solnechnom luche»: Pis’ma Konstantina Bal’monta k Dagmar Shakhovskoi: 1920–1926 [“We’ll Meet in the Sunbeam”: Letters from Konstantin Balmont to Dagmar Shakhovskaya: 1920–1926], vstup. st. R. Berda i F. Cherkasovoi; predisl. S. Sheilz, publ., sost., podgot. teksta, primech. R. Berda, F. Cherkasovoi. Moscow, Russkii put’ Publ., 2014. (In Russ.)

Nezabytye mogily: Rossiiskoe zarubezh’e: Nekrologi 1917–1997: V 6 t. [Unforgotten Graves: Russians abroad: Obituaries 1917–1997. In 6 vol.], sost. V.N. Chuvakov. Moscow, RGB Publ., 1999–2007. (In Russ.)

Perepiska G.V. Adamovicha s R.N. Grinbergom: 1953–1967 [G.V. Adamovich’s Correspondence with R.N. Grinberg], publ., podgot. teksta i komment. O.A. Korosteleva. In: Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal [The Literary Review], 2003, № 17, pp. 97–182. (In Russ.)

Pis’ma zapreshchennykh liudei: Literatura i zhizn’ emigratsii: 1950–1980-e gody: Po materialam arkhiva I.V. Chinnova [Letters of Forbidden People: Émigré’s literature and life: 1950s–1980s: Following I.V. Chinnov’s papers], sost. O.F. Kuznetsova. Moscow, IMLI RAN Publ., 2003. (In Russ.)

Pregel’ S. Razgovor s pamiat’iu: Poeziia, proza, ocherki i stat’i: V 2 t. [A Talk with Memory: Poetry, prose, essays and articles], sost., podgot. teksta, vstup. st. i komment. V. Khazana. Moscow, Vodolei Publ., 2017. (In Russ.)

Proekt «Akmeizm» [“Acmeism” as a Project], vstup. st., podgot. teksta i komment. N.A. Bogomolova. In: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [The New Literary Review], 2002, № 58, pp. 140–180. (In Russ.)

Roman Grinberg i Roman Iakobson: Materialy k istorii vzaimootnoshenii [Roman Grinberg and Roman Jakobson: Materials on the history of their relationship], vstup. st., publ. i primech. R. Iangirova. In: Roman Iakobson: Teksty, dokumenty, issledovaniia [Roman Jakobson: Texts, documents, studies], otv. red. Kh. Baran, S.M. Gindin. Moscow, RGGU Publ., 1999, pp. 201–212. (In Russ.)

Rossiiskoe zarubezh’e vo Frantsii 1919–2000: Biograficheskii slovar’: V 3 t. [Russian Émigré in France 1919–2000: Biographical dictionary. In 3 vol.], pod obshch. red. L. Mnukhina [et. al]. (In Russ.)Moscow, Nauka Publ., Dom-muzei M. Tsvetaevoi Publ., 2008–2010. (In Russ.)

Sedykh A. Pamiati R.N. Grinberga [In memory of R.N. Grinberg]. In: Novoe russkoe slovo [New Russian Word], 1969, № 21746, 27 dek., p. 3. (In Russ.)

Shapiro G. Desiat’ pisem Dovida Knuta [Ten Letters of Dovid Knout]. In: Cahiers du monde russe et sovetique, 1986, vol XXVII, № 2, avril–juin. (In Russ.)

Sosinskii V. Konurka (Ob Aleksee Remizove, Aleksandre Alekhine, brat’iakh Modil’iani i drugikh) [The Dog-hutch (On Aleksey Remizov, Alexander Alekhine, Modigliani brothers and others)], publ. S. Sosinskogo-Semikhata. In: Voprosy literatury [Literary Issues]. 1991. № 6. S. 167–207. (In Russ.)

Sto pisem Georgiia Adamovicha k Iuriiu Ivasku (1935–1961) [Georgy Adamovich’s 100 Letters to Yuri Ivask], predisl., publ. i komment. N.A. Bogomolova. In: Diaspora: Novye materialy. V [Diaspora: New materials. V]. Saint Petersburg, Feniks Publ., 2003, pp. 402–557. (In Russ.)

Talov M. Vospominaniia. Stikhi. Perevody [Memoirs. Poems. Translations], Sost. i komment. M.A. Talovoi, T.M. Talovoi, A.D. Chulkovoi. Moscow, MIK Publ.; Parizh, Al’batros Publ., 2005. (In Russ.)

«…Tam u nas samyi zhadnyi i blagodarnyi chitatel’…»: Perepiska redaktorov zhurnalov «Grani» i «Mosty» s redaktorom al’manakha «Vozdushnye puti» [“...There we have the most greedy and grateful reader ...”: Correspondence between the editors of “Facets” and “Bridges” with the editor of “Airways”], predisl., publ. i primech. G. Glushanok. In: Periodicheskaia pechat’ rossiiskoi emigratsii. 1920–2000 [Russian Émigré Periodical Press. 1920–2000], pod red. Iu.A. Poliakova i O.V. Budnitskogo. Moscow, Institut rossiiskoi istorii RAN Publ., 2009. (In Russ.)

Tolstoi I. Kursiv epokhi: Literaturnye zametki [The Italics of the Era: Literary notes]. Saint Petersburg: Pushkinskii fond Publ., 1993. (In Russ.)

Valiuzhenich A.V. Riadom s Maiakovskim [At Mayakovsky’s Side]. In: Niva [Field], Astana, 1999, № 1. (In Russ.)

Vil’danova R., Kudriavtsev V., Lappo-Danilevskii K. Kratkii biograficheskii slovar’ russkogo zarubezh’ia [A Shorter Biographical Dictionary of Russian Émigré]. In: Struve G. Russkaia literatura v izgnanii [Russian Literature in Exile]. Parizh: YMCA-Press; Moscow, Russkii put’ Publ., 1996, pp. 276–386. (In Russ.)

Zagranitsa (Vospominaniia G.V. Alekseeva i ocherk B.A. Pil’niaka) [Foreign Land (G.V. Alekseyev’s Memoirs and an essay by B. Pilnyak)], publ. E.I. Gorskoi. In: Vstrechi s proshlym. 7 [Encounters with the Past. 7]. Moscow, Sov. Rossiia Publ., 1990, pp. 157–195. (In Russ.)