- DOI:
- Issue:
- Abstract:
The Dictionary of Literary Biography Russian Writers, 1800–1917 (since 1989 there appeared 5 vols – Abaza K.K. – Solonitsyn V. Ap.) is among the most ambitious projects in our literary studies. The Dictionary containing about 2000 Russian men of letters and having provided a huge corpus of the most exact and comprehensive data including bibliographical and archival indexes, gave a powerful impetus to the literary history in the course of the long-term meticulous work on the edition. The Dictionary was a stimulating and strict professional school for a generation of scholars. Founders, authors and the editorial board of Literaturny Fact expect the 6th volume, the last one of the Dictionary, to be published in the coming anniversary year (30 years ago the first volume appeared). Unfortunately strictly limited wordage of the last volume requires conciseness and laconicism; creative freedom typical for the vols. 3-5 (attentive readers can see the difference between vols. 3-5 and 1-2, when the editorial board and the authors were still trying to follow the patterns of the Great Soviet encyclopedia) is impossible. Hence publishing of the enlarged versions of the articles from vol.6 is very important – it is quite possible that this consistent work will become a full-fledged academic project in itself. Literatrny Fact plans to publish the preprints and discussions to present the last volume of the Dictionary in full. In this issue of Literaturny Fact read articles on the Russian writers and translators Mikhail Sukennikov (1876–1948) and Sofia Shil' (1863–1928).
- Keywords: literary biography, encyclopedia, dictionary, M. Sukennikov, S. Shil’, XIX-early XXth century Russian literature.
- References:
Azadovskii K.M. Russkie v “Arhive Nietzsche” [Russians in Nietzsche’s archive] F. Nietzsche i filosofiya v Rossii. Sbornik statej [F. Nietzsche and Philosophy in Russia. A collection of essays]. St. Petersburg, 1999, pp. 114–122. (In Russ.)
Azadovskii K.M. Letayushchij reporter. Shtrihi k biografii Mikhaila Sukennikova [Flying Reporter. Notes to Mikhail Sukennikov’s Biography]. Russkii Berlin. Mezhdunarodnaia nauchnaia konferentsiia 16–18 dekabria 2002 [ Russian Berlin. International scholarly conference, Dec 16–18, 2002]. Moscow, Russkii Put' Publ., 2006, pp. 263–285. (In Russ.)
Jensen B. O russkom zhurnaliste Mikhaile Sukennikove [On the Russian journalist Mikhail Sukennikov]. Jensen B. Sredi tsareubiits: Vdovstvuiushchaia imperatritsa, semia poslednego russkogo tsaria i Zapad [Among regicides: Empress Dowager, the last Russian Tsar’s family and the West], transl. from Danish. Moscow, 2001, pp. 231–234. (In Russ.)
Ovchinkina I.V. O Sof'e Shil' i ee nasledii. Prilozhenie: Pis'ma Rainera Marii Rilke i Lou Anders-Salome k Sof'e Nikolaevne Shil' (1900–1901 gg.) [On Sofia Shil and her legacy. Appendix: Rainer Maria Rilke and Lou Andreas-Salomé Letters to Sofia Nikolaevna Shil’, 1900–1901]. Rukopisi. Redkie izdaniya. Arkhivy. Iz fondov Otdela redkikh knig i rukopisei NB MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova. Vyp. 8 [Manuscripts. Rare Editions. Archives. From the funds of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University Library. Issue 8]. Moscow, Vodolei Publ., 2008, pp. 69–118. (In Russ.)