- DOI:
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- Abstract:
Interest in Blok’s prose has noticeably grown in recent decades. This can be seen by a significant number of academic works dedicated to Blok’s critical essays and his extensive correspondence with a variety of addressees, not to mention his ego-documentary heritage, i.e. his notebooks and diaries. Our main task is to examine the specific character of Blok’s “autobiographical myth” in regard to the Western European (primarily English and also partially American) literary mainstream of the fin de siècle era, i.e. Modernism and Neo-Gothics — specifically with the names of Arthur Machen, Lord Dunsany, Ambrose Bierce, Algernon Blackwood, who 266 Литературный факт. 2018. № 10 created the first phase of the modern horror genre and became forerunners of Weird Fiction. We will also make an attempt to define the key elements on the basis of which Blok’s autobiographical poetics can be regarded as Neo-Gothic itself.
- Keywords: Alexander Blok, ego-document, Neo-Gothics, Arthur Machen, horror literature.
- For citation:
Thougounova-Paulson Elena. “God, when creating, wrapped his heart in dark fabrics”: Neo-Gothic concept in Bloks diaries and notebooks. Literary fact, 2018, no. 10, pp. 253–266.
- References:
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