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2021 №21

Author: Alexei Yu. Balakin
About the author:

Alexei Yu. Balakin — PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makarov Emb. 4, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia.


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The article introduces into scientific circulation the dispatches and reports sent from the board of the frigate “Pallada” during the circumnavigation of 1852 –1854. Most of them were written by I.A. Goncharov, who acted as secretary to the head of the expedition, Vice-Admiral E.V. Putyatin. The documents provide new data on the sailing of the Russian squadron, ship everyday life and incidents, negotiations with Japanese representatives. Corresponding to Goncharov’s memoirs and private letters, the service reports supplement and clarify our knowledge about this interesting page in the writer's life, at the same time providing important historical material on the history of the Russian fleet and diplomacy.

Keywords: I.A. Goncharov, frigate “Pallada”, biography of the writer, official documents, archival materials, Russian-Japanese relations.
For citation:

Balakin, A.Yu. “Goncharov as the Secretary of Admiral E.V. Putyatin (New Materials).” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 3 (21), 2021, pp. 155 –184. (In Russ.) 

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